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The Virtual Office fulfills all of the roles of a traditional office, but curbs direct cost, such as real estate, furniture, hardware, software and maintenance costs, hiring, training, payroll or insurance for an administrative staff etc. You won't even need to be concerned with wear and tear on the environment from automobiles.... FULL TEXT
In the era of globalization, technological capabilities and trends, the promotion of the rule of law based on international values are more important than ever. Reparation Law.com is committed with great enthusiasm and passion, accepting today's challenges and certainly becoming an important part of the global reparations movement. FULL TEXT
United Nations Human Rights Instruments
International Human Rights Law & Protection Mechanisms
Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary
Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials
Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers
Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors
Selling Court awarded Judgments -
UAE Court Judgments For Sale
What are the major factors that will influence the UAE Judgment portfolio is worth?
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"The Sales Prospects of UAE Judgments" A unique and assured investment opportunity for ‘Social Justice', because of its strong Legal back-up and Government support. “The execution of Judgments of the UAE Court is a part of ‘Indo-Gulf Reparation’ Movement”. Millions of Overseas Indians will be the beneficiaries of a 'Mutual Reparation Mechanism' if put into practical effect. Let us strengthen the bonds of friendship between India and Gulf Countries