'Lakshadweep Forum - Lets Share'
Global Campaign to Expose the 'UAE Fugitive' Who Runs Away from Law for the last 26 Years! - "Reward of up to $10,000,000.00 USD"

"In this case, the UAE Prince, the Judgment Debtor, looted valuables, set fire on valid Judicial decisions against him, committed fraud, and other heinous crimes to avoid honouring obligations! Over 26 years has elapsed since the prince embezzled the entire assets, real estate properties worth over $100 million of an Indian origin UAE Investor by fraud, defeating all his relentless fight despite 6 UAE and Indian Court Judgments! Read the shocking story featured here, the bizarre twist in the case of police extortion in Abu Dhabi, UAE". ...
"Reward of up to $USD 10 Million For Information Leading to the Arrest or Conviction of Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi"
['Alliance Judgment Recovery' is a certified publishing partner]'
She told the news outlet she had gone public with the story because she wanted to see him held accountable and because of the “massive mental and physical toll” the attack had taken on her.

"I feel I have nothing to lose,” she said. “ I want to do this because I want to highlight the effect of powerful men like him doing things like that and thinking they can get away with it. It seemed clear from the set up I was not the first or last. - ”
The New York Times.
"The royal family can do what it likes. For these people, foreigners are from a 'lower race', and at times they even consider them to be animals. Indians, Afghans, Pakistanis and Filipinos have been created to serve them. This isn't the first time, but no one will ever face trial. This country is very safe and everyone abides by the law. But where the royal family is concerned, there is only one law: their law".
"When Caitlin McNamara launched a literary festival in Abu Dhabi, she found herself plunged into a busy, exciting world. Then, she alleges, she was raped by an Emirati royal" - The Guardian U.K."
['Alliance Judgment Recovery' is a certified publishing partner]'
Thanks to State Department Cables, a U.S. Torture Victim Won a Rare $10 Million Settlement against UAE ruling family” – The condition: Silence in the Press. "The Intercept reports"

"The UAE bought the silence of an American citizen who was allegedly tortured by Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi, during the 1980s, according to leaked emails obtained by Middle East Eye.!
"Khaled al-Hassen, a businessman and naturalised US citizen, alleged that he was abducted, taken to a secret location, tortured and forced to sign a false confession while working in the United Arab Emirates. Among the torturers, the suit alleged, were Mohammed bin Zayed, his brother and president of the UAE, Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, and General Saeed Hilal Abdullah al-Darmaki, at one time the minister for interior affairs.". ...
"Middle East Eye"
['Alliance Judgment Recovery' is a certified publishing partner]'
The Virtual Office fulfills all of the roles of a traditional office, but curbs direct cost, such as real estate, furniture, hardware, software and maintenance costs, hiring, training, payroll or insurance for an administrative staff etc. You won't even need to be concerned with wear and tear on the environment from automobiles..
." Full Text"
Need for establishing a viable Indo-Gulf Reparation Mechanism
“The establishments of institutional arrangements for the welfare of ‘Overseas Indian Community’, as highlighted by the Government of India, are intentionally deceptive, untruthful, and purport to demonstrate that there are procedural remedies or tactics. Serious failures and inadequacies to comply with statutory or regulatory obligations on the part of both the Ministries, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) & the ‘Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs’ (MOIA) now stands proved by the subsequent communications received by petitioner, from the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India”.Indo-Gulf Reparation Mechanism
The Concept of Reparations:
Reparation for the victims or survivors of torture, which is their right under international and many national laws, is becoming more and more a realistic possibility. As a result, many legal academics and lawyers, sociologists, medical practitioners and psychologists are now discussing the concept of reparation. ...The Concept of Reparations
Authoritarian Regimes/UAE's Dictators
Sheikh Saif, a full brother of Sheikh Issa (View Video), is the interior minister of the UAE. The Ministry of interior is in fact, the nerve centre of UAE's dictatorial regime. A near-death experience of our client and his first-hand knowledge of the realities are ample illustrations that goes into the very heart of the matter:-. ...Dictators will no longer be tolerated
International Human Rights Law & Protection Mechanisms
"International human rights law lays down obligations which States are bound to respect. By becoming parties to international treaties, States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights. The obligation to respect means that States must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. The obligation to fulfil means that States must take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights." Read more information on International law
What, man, defy the devil: Save mankind from dictators!
Etihad Airways, the flag carrier of the UAE, is based at Abu Dhabi International Airport. The money power and the shrewd rulers of Abu Dhabi, it would appear, are out to capture the whole world. At a glance, no one will find anything unusual about the move of that country, under the guise of economic progression, in joining hands with other airlines ... Read More
The 'Legal Reserch & Outsourcing', a division of 'LawyersIndia' is fully equipped to offer all essential legal support services to assist US-based Lawyers and Corporate Legal Departments in successfully pursuing their litigation cases at all levels. We involve ourselves in supporting our clients in all legal research and writing, in preparation of cases and other incidental legal tasks.
Our Lead lawyers have specialized knowledge in distinctive areas and experience in Interstate Water Disputes, Oil and Natural Gas, Information Technology, International Arbitration, Telecommunication disputes, Consumer protection, Tort, Banking and Insurance cases. We also provide for a complete review of evidence and documents of past Court records to enable our clients to prepare their cases without leaving any legal issue un-addressed ...
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“Lakshadweep Public Forum Seeks Probe into malpractices in Lakshadweep Administration”
Need to probe into the malpractice cases going on in SPORTS (Society for Promotion of Nature Tourism & SPORTS) – a Society responsible for conducting Lakshadweep Tourism.
Probe into malpractices in Lakshadweep Administration